The Primal Blueprint
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

The Primal Blueprint

If you want to improve your performance and health, I recommend Mark Sisson's The Primal Blueprint. This book offers an alternative to the plant-based craze that seems to be overtaking the food and nutrition world. It provides a logical, nonsensical approach to nutrition and a lifestyle that is more in accordance with our evolutionary legacy.

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The Great Cholesterol Con
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

The Great Cholesterol Con

In this book, "The Great Cholesterol Con," Dr. Malcolm Kendrick questions the commonly accepted beliefs about cholesterol and its connection to heart disease. Kendrick contends that the medical field has blown the risks of high cholesterol out of proportion and that lowering cholesterol with medication may not effectively decrease the chances of heart attacks or strokes. He proposes that factors like inflammation and insulin resistance have a more significant impact on cardiovascular well-being.

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Fat for Fuel
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Fat for Fuel

In his revolutionary book Fat for Fuel, Joseph Mercola challenges traditional beliefs about nutrition and wellness. He reveals that fat is not the villain it is often portrayed as but rather an essential element of a balanced diet. By incorporating cutting-edge studies and his medical expertise, Mercola demonstrates how fat can be a healthy and effective energy source, resulting in enhanced vitality, weight management, and overall health.

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Pure, White, and Deadly
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Pure, White, and Deadly

"Pure, White, and Deadly" by John Yudkin is a groundbreaking book exploring sugar's detrimental effects on our health. Yudkin, a respected nutritionist and professor, delves into the science behind sugar consumption and its link to various chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

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Super Gut
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Super Gut

Super Gut is an innovative book written by William Davis, a respected cardiologist, and author that uncovers the significant impact of gut health on one's overall health. Davis explores the intricate microbiome and emphasizes the importance of a well-functioning gut for a robust immune system, decreased inflammation, and enhanced cognitive abilities. Through practical tips, scientific evidence, and personal anecdotes, Super Gut provides readers a holistic approach to improving their gut health and achieving better overall wellness and energy.

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Catching Fire
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Catching Fire

"Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human" by Richard Wrangham delves into the significant impact that cooking had on the evolution of humanity. Wrangham explores how cooking transformed our ancestors' diet, enabling them to extract more nutrients from their food and reduce the time spent searching for and chewing their meals. This transition to a cooked diet had far-reaching effects on our physical, mental, and social well-being, ultimately shaping the path of human development.

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Glucose Revolution
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Glucose Revolution

If you are looking for a blueprint for managing your glucose and removing excessive weight from your body, read the Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspe. It will give you the tools to achieve these goals.

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The Big Fat Surprise
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

The Big Fat Surprise

Are you tired, confused, and frustrated about how to improve your understanding of nutrition and fats? I invite you to read The Big Fat Surprise. This book by Nina Teicholz is an eye-opener and will provide new information and understanding on health, nutrition, and the function of fats in our diets.

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Grains and Your Brain
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Grains and Your Brain

“Grain Brain” by Dr. David Perlmutter, MD. An excellent read to understand further how grains, gluten, and sugars affect our health.

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What is Gluten?
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

What is Gluten?

Gluten is not only in baked goods but also used as an additive in a wide range of foods. To avoid gluten, learn its broad uses in the food industry.

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The Three Sisters
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

The Three Sisters

The Three Sisters system revolutionized farming centuries ago by increasing soil health and yield.

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A Brief History of Spices
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

A Brief History of Spices

Spices enhance cooking, and many have medicinal properties that have been a crucial element of cooking for centuries. From ancient times to modern-day, we have used spices to add flavor and aroma to our food.

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Fire and Cooking
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

Fire and Cooking

Cooking with fire has been a part of human history for thousands of years. From the days of cave dwellers to modern-day Michelin-star chefs, the evolution of cooking with fire has been a long and fascinating journey.

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What is Connective Tissue?
Chef Viverati Chef Viverati

What is Connective Tissue?

Connective tissue is a vital part of meat, and it can be the difference between a tender and succulent dish and a tough, chewy mess.

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